Ring Size Guide

Using a ring sizing chart, you can accurately determine your finger size.
This is a chart that will assist you in determining the ring size that you require. To measure the area that will be occupied by the ring, you can use a tape or a little piece of string. Make a mark on the string when it has become a complete circle. This will make it easier for you to compare the chart with the one below. You can add another size to accommodate extra breadth.
Procedure #1

Step #1
Thread a narrow strip of paper or cut a thin strip of paper
Wrap your finger in the paper/thread.
Make a mark where the paper/thread intersects.

Step #2
With your ruler, measure the length of the thread.
To find your ring size, use the chart below.
Procedure #2
Another chart to examine when deciding the proper ring size is the one below. Take the inside diameter of a ring you already own and multiply it by two. It is a millimetre scale that measures the interior diameter of a ring. This is typically used to double-check results from the traditional paper approach. Aside from that, you can utilise the ring you wear on a daily basis and compare it to the chart below.

Step #1
Take a Ring and place it on a scale